Complementary Silicon Power Transistors Designed for general−purpose switching and amplifier applications. The datasheet is printed for reference information only. Datasheet MULTIPLEXED TWO-WIRE HALL-EFFECT SENSOR ICs.
Shown for Reference Only. This is information on a product in full production. Multiplexed Two-wire Hall-effect Sensor Ics. Gate-to-Source Voltage Fig 8. Drain-to-Source Voltage Fig 6. The LM3device is an adjustable three-terminal positive-voltage regulator capable of supplying more than 1. A over an output-voltage range of 1. It requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage.
Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit,. STMicroelectronics PREFERRED SALESTYPES COMPLEMENTARY NPN-PNP DEVICES. DESCRIPTION The is a silicon Epitaxial-Base Planar NPN transistor mounted in Jedec TO-metal case. It is intended for power switching circuits and general-purpose amplifiers.

Acts as a cross-linking agent. The devices supply 500mA of output current with a dropout voltage of 350mV. A 10nF bypass capacitor reduces output noise to 25μVRMS in a 10Hz to 100kHz bandwidth and soft starts the reference.
One limitation was that its frequency response was rather low (typically the unity-gain frequency or transition frequency, f T, was MHz). Although this was adequate for most of the low-frequency. The device is designed for general purpose switching and amplifier applications. Kapıda Ödeme seçeneği ile sipariş verebilirsiniz.
This datasheet is subject to change without notice. Where possible these are obtained from authorized distributors in real time. Explore the latest datasheets, compare past datasheet revisions, and confirm part lifecycle. Your report has been recieved. Commercially, it was used in many linear power supplies, audio amplifiers and low frequency power converters.
Distributor links are sponsored. Our hook-up wire is available in a variety of insulations to meet your needs for temperature, ability to withstand wear and abrasion, electrical performance, or resistance to oil, solvents, and chemicals. Request a Sample Download Brochure Consult a Cable Expert.

Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. Operation and Maintenance. Desco’s Low Resistance Tester is designed to measures resistance of grounding paths of banana jacks and other.
Selectable Test Ranges: Select the appropriate range. OHM, OHMs, and OHMs. It is designed for general-purpose switching. Glycerine propoxylated polyether triol. Used in the manufacture of various urethane products such as elastomers and speciality prepolymers for the adhesive industry.
You have successfully added from to your part list. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo. Charakteryzuje się on dużą odpornością na zjawisko wtórnego przebicia, co powoduje, że posiada szeroki bezpieczny obszar pracy, umożliwiający wydzielenie maksymalnej mocy nawet przy pełnych. On principle, it is also suitable in waterborne coatings. This picture is representative only and may not match the specific configuration of the product listed on this page.
Please refer to the product specifications for more information on this part number and its exact configuration. It is a amine-functional siloxane crosslinking resin. Exhibits gloss retention, water absorption and thermal stability. Applications include industrial adhesives.
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The Bipolar Power Transistor is designed for general purpose switching and amplifier applications. FRNeon Stationary Scanners.
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